'Jesus Christ is the center of the Gospel but the center of Jesus Christ's teaching is not himself but the Kingdom.'
This is a false opposition. There is no Kingdom apart from Jesus. Jesus IS the Kingdom in person. Therefore Jesus is the center of his teaching, albeit not in a self-glorifying way.
'The Asian Bishops are perhaps saying that we must reveal the values of the Kingdom first, only then will our proclamation of Jesus as Lord make sense to our hearers.'
There is some truth to this. Of course we glorify the Lord by living as he has taught us to live. Christology must become incarnate in works of love. However, I am distrustful of the point of view that suggests that Christology is an obstacle to establishing the reign of God. How does focusing our hearts and minds on the person of Jesus Christ distract us from the task of building the Kingdom? That did not seem to be the case for Bl. Teresa of Calcutta, for whom adoration of our Eucharistic Lord was the driving force of her mission to the poor and outcast. Dave | 06.28.06 - 8:40 am | #
By the way, in another combox I signed off from the discussion on homosexuality. I will add this one comment: if my treatment of Fr. O'Leary in that discussion has not reflected the values of the Kingdom, then I am a hypocrite and my words above are empty clanging. If my words and actions have offended Christ, then I repent. Let us assume that they have offended the Lord, because surely they were written less in the Spirit of Christ than in the spirit of polemic. The litmus test is this: was my heart and mind focused on the Lord when I was writing those comments to Fr. O'Leary? In truth, not really.
So there you have it. I am sorry. I repent. Forgive me, Father. Dave | 06.28.06 - 8:47 am | #
The Spirit of Vatican Two has become Disgusted!
Now, that's progress!
Did you notice? No interaction at all on substance from Father. Just deny that there is any question to be discussed. It's all a matter of "Vatican bullying." Our entire society is being wiped out by the failure to reproduce (contraception! divorce! homosexuality! More power to them!) and being replaced by Muslims: no friends of Fr. O'Leary's! But that's not in his social "science" magazines. It must be a "hateful screed."
Immature children are the ones who think of any exercise of authority as "bullying." They are the ones who think they are so grown-up, so mature, that they never need any correction. "I'm a big boy now; I can make my own decisions!" More power to them, eh?
Repent, Fr. Disgusted. Time to return out of the universe of solipsism to His wonderful light.
And, oh, yes. Who is your canonical bishop? From whom do you derive your priestly mission? Or are you off on your own like the SSPX? Jeff | 06.28.06 - 8:49 am | #
Atiyah, ET AL.:
The Japanese episcopate is not in great shape, it's true. But I wouldn't generalize about Asia.
The Chinese Church is undergoing martyrdom and is steadfast in its loyalty to the Pope. Even the "Patriotic Association" is more Catholic than a lot of ostensibly loyal Churches.
The Korean and Philippines Churches are pretty sound. The Church in Vietnam is wonderful.
The Indonesian Church is a mixed bag, but getting better.
The Indian hierarchy is undergoing a slow transformation under the watchful eye of the increasingly powerful Cardinal Dias, recently of Bombay, now Prefect of the dicastery for the Evangelization of Peoples. Many of the new episcopal appointments have been very good indeed and there are many more to be made.
All in all, progress is being made, just as it is in North America. Excelsior!
Look what decades of complaining and bitching have done about the liturgy! Look what they have done about seminaries--now filling with orthodox young priests. The battle is being won on every level and before two more decades have passed, the universities and theological associations will be feeling the full weight of renewal.
And, of course, the Anglican Church in the US is slowly being pushed out of full communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury over the issue of confusing anuses with vaginas. Everything is looking up! Jeff | 06.28.06 - 9:16 am | #
What was the objectionable thing that the Cardinal of Lagos is supposed to have said? I think I missed that one. Was it something like, "If you try to destroy our societies as you have been destroying those in the West, we will put you in jail?" Something like that?
Since people go to jail in Europe for talking about traditional moral theology--remember, it's a "hateful screed"--and are hounded from their jobs in America for saying that they merely BELIEVE that homosexual activity is deviant, I don't know what the complaint would be. Rather hypocritical, I'd say.
It's not tolerance they want--it's victory! And they will persecute us to get it. Soon, they will take our children away if we try to teach them that homosexuality is wrong. They are already beginning to force us to allow our children to be "reeducated" on these issues in Canadian schools. Why should we let them do it without a squeak? Don't kid yourselves about what's going on. They won't be putting up with us for much longer. They don't want tolerance. It's us or them and they KNOW it. We should know it, too.
But after the Europeans have contracepted and anal-sexed themselves to death--in line with O'Leary's recommendations--what does he think the Muslims who replace them will do? Will they be convinced by his junk "science" magazines?
God bless you, Father. You don't need all this nonsense. Let it go, you can, you really can. Jeff | 06.28.06 - 9:18 am | #
Disgusted accuses me of putting trust in 30 year old sources cited by Dr Blosser, but I find that somewhat humorous in view of the fact that I neither affirmed nor denied the alleged veracity of Blosser's sources. My arguments have been based on Greek grammar, the Judeo-Christian tradition, and the pre-Nicenes. I also encouraged O'Leary to exercise critical rationality when it comes to the testimonies of gays, who speak about the unitive bonding role of sexual relations.
First, I am not Catholic. And Dr Blosser can attest to my disagreement with his views in a number of areas. I read Blosser's post on what homosexuals do and I would probably agree with some of its content but also question some of the post. Just as I would do with any truth-claims from gays or anyone else. Fos | 06.28.06 - 9:44 am | #
WHen you insisted on lauding Anglicans, I brought to your attention the testimony of a former Anglican, me, who is now grateful to be Catholic. Your constant ranting about how the rest of us don't understand gays lesbians, same-sex attracted persons, homosexuals, and similar persons has now been completely undone by the testimony of one of the people you so ardently protest that you represent. Why not take Brigid to the woodshed, as it were, instead of merely minimizing her testimony, singling her out for making a "current choice"? The answer, I hope, is that you realize the sheer nonsense of your position.
Karl Keating has remarked about Vatican bullying: an average of one heretic a year has been censured by the Holy Office. This couldn't be counted as bullying, but perhaps neglect. I prefer to think of it as evidence gathering with an eye to mounting an effective counter-attack. Perhaps you would care --- and I would certainly like Brigid's comment on a recent blurb in Newsweek: "House calls from [sexual] predators don't happen spontaneously when your kid does homework on Google or hangs out solely with buddies on MySpace.com. (After some alleged cases in which teenagers unwisely got together with adults they met on the service, MySpace introduced new protections last week, making it tougher for strangers to contact minors.) NBC [the broadcasting network] does its investigations with a watchdog group that supplies decoys who pose as minors hanging out in unmoderated, all-access, regional chat rooms and gay chat rooms on AOL and Yahoo -- hot spots for hookups ....." Surely NBC knows better than to look for abusive predatory sex in gay chat rooms? Haven't the execs studied the testimony of nipponese gaelic priests and the manual on how homosexuality is never the problem, regardless of evidence? Chris Garton-Zavesky | 06.28.06 - 10:16 am | #
'The Indian hierarchy is undergoing a slow transformation under the watchful eye of the increasingly powerful Cardinal Dias, recently of Bombay, now Prefect of the dicastery for the Evangelization of Peoples. Many of the new episcopal appointments have been very good indeed and there are many more to be made.'
This definitely bears watching. Chris (or anyone else), have you seen anything about Cardinal Dias' views concerning the FABC, in particular their reaction to Dominus Iesus? Dave | 06.28.06 - 10:48 am | #
Further to the comment above:
http://dlibrary.acu.edu.au/resea...resea...aejt_6/ phan.htm Dave | 06.28.06 - 10:50 am | #
Oops, broken link above; here it is again:
My apologies for diverting the discussion from anuses and such. Dave | 06.28.06 - 10:53 am | #
In a rant against Blosser, Fr. O'Leary writes: "... his inability to spell and his chronic rampant inaccurac [sic]"
What was that, Father? Eigo wakarimasu-ka? (Trans. "Do you understand English?") Charming. Pertinacious Papist | Homepage | 06.28.06 - 2:46 pm | #
 "But I am tired of plunging my hands into the cesspool of Dr (!) Blosser's mind..."
And yet you keep coming back to bloviate.
"Step One is beg the question and reject the good faith of the other side..."
You've hit the nail on the head, Jeff. Funky Dung | Homepage | 06.28.06 - 2:54 pm | # |
Atiyah, Fr. O'Leary. HIV can be communicated by shaking hands with another person, provided you've each got an abraision or tear in your skin. The virus is communicated through the blood. The point of the "pièce de résistance", as Atiyah put it, is that the chances of that happening through rectal-anal sex are exponentially higher than with ordinary vaginal intercourse, do to the design and construction of the respective orfices and their tissues.
-- Your beloved 'Total Ignoramus,' PP Pertinacious Papist | Homepage | 06.28.06 - 2:55 pm | #
Dominus Iesus?
"Despite the religious syncretism that sometimes flourishes in India, Cardinal Dias was a strong proponent of Dominus Iesus, the document released in 2001 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith-- of which he is a member-- reaffirming the unique and necessary role of Jesus Christ and his Church in the plan of salvation."
Moreover, I did see a strong defense of Benedict by Cardinal Dias when he objected to Indian laws forbidding conversion. "The Pope has no business interfering in Indian affairs," said the Indian Govt. "The hell he doesn't!" said Cardinal Dias. "He's the Vicar of Christ on earth!"
Dias is a well-known opponent of Hinduization and a strong proponent of modesty in dress.
"Christ needs India and India needs Christ," he said a couple of days ago.
He will oversee 39% of the world's dioceses in his new job (Yay!). Make a great Pope, he would. Though Benedict must live at least another half a century. Jeff | 06.28.06 - 3:05 pm | #
Ah No Dr Blosser
You claimed that the vagina was immune from viruses. If you were a real Doctor you would be struck off.
This sort of claim is pure snake oil. Atiyah | 06.28.06 - 3:56 pm | #
Jeff (and others),
Here is an interesting quote from the article that I posted above (courtesy of Tailgunner Joe, who kindly provided it to me in another combox):
'This imposition of Christology [by insensitive Vatican provocateurs] with its claim of Jesus as the “mediator and one and only savior" on the Asian Synod’s agenda and conceiving it as the panacea for what may ail the Asian churches constitute, to judge from all the documents of the FABC, a massive misdiagnosis of the situation of Asian Christianity. As we have seen above, neither Christology nor ecclesiology are at the center of the Asian churches’ concerns but God’s reign or a new way of being church. It is most interesting that the FABC’s seventh Plenary Assembly, which took place shortly after the synod on January 2-12, 2000, adopted the second part of the theme of the synod, i.e., “mission of love and service” but replaced the first part “Jesus Christ the Savior” with “A Renewed Church,” thereby subtly but unmistakably subverting the Roman-imposed focus on Christology.'
Most interesting, indeed.
It gets better:
'Even from a cursory reading of these responses, it is clear that the uniqueness and universality of Jesus as the Savior was never placed in question by the Asian churches. Rather, the burning issue for the Asian churches, a tiny minority in Asia, is how to proclaim this truth about Jesus credibly in the midst of crushing poverty, competing religious systems, and cultural diversity. The unanimous answer to this problem was found to be dialogue: dialogue with the Asian poor, with their religions, and with their cultures.'
Ah ... DIALOGUE! Sound familiar? We've seen how dialogue works in practice, haven't we? '[I]t is clear that the uniqueness and universality of Jesus as the Savior was never placed in question by the Asian churches.' Again, sounds familiar. Fr. O'Leary is constantly re-assuring us of the good faith of his Christology. He even affirms the self-authenticating authority of the ancient Christological councils! (Continued ...) Dave | 06.28.06 - 4:36 pm | #
(Continued ...) Yet is it REALLY 'clear that the uniqueness and universality of Jesus as the Savior was never placed in question by the Asian churches'? Let's read on:
'With regard to interreligious dialogue, many Asian episcopal conferences called for not only a respectful dialogue with non-Christians but also an explicit recognition of the salvific value of non-Christian religions, not as independent from or parallel to Christ, but in relation to him. The Indian bishops affirmed: “ ... For hundreds of millions of our fellow human beings, salvation is seen as being channeled to them not in spite of but through and in their various socio-cultural and religious traditions. We cannot, therefore, deny a priori a salvific role for these non-Christian religions.”'
We should parse these words carefully. On the one hand, we hear that 'an explicit recognition of the salvific value of non-Christian religions [is conceived], not as independent from or parallel to Christ, but in relation to him.' Yet on the other hand, we are told that it must be affirmed and cannot be denied that there is 'A PRIORI a salvific role for these non-Christian religions' (emphasis added). Excuse me, but what is it to affirm an A PRIORI salvific role to Hinduism, if not to recognize (or better, to assert) the salvic value of Hinduism INDEPENDENT from or PARALLEL to salvation in Jesus Christ? If Indians are already (a priori) getting their salvation channeled to them through Brahma, why do they need Jesus Christ?
According to the author of the article, this is the Federation of Asian Bishops Conference (FABC) talking. First question: is it a true report? Second question: if it is true, what is Cardinal Dias doing about it? Dave | 06.28.06 - 4:50 pm | #
Sorry again to divert the combox from the illuminating discussion of penises, anuses, and vaginas. Dave | 06.28.06 - 4:51 pm | #
Dr Blosser
I would actually like to respond to your serious reply to my basic outline of the development of natural law – some of which I agree with. Instead we must dwell on sodomy. Again!
I am interested in Catholicism in Asia and pleased to hear it is in good heart from your readers. The Japanese are especially interesting. Asia is a fascinating part of the world. Dave seems to have just discovered it. I am watching the Catholic Church go toe to toe with the totalitarian Chinese regime and have an idea of who will win. Yet with all this material the contribution by this blog is an immature rark up to write to a couple of prelates in Japan over O’Leary. This is the behaviour of little people.
Well Dr Blosser if you didn’t have Fr. O’Leary you would have to invent him.
You claim the purpose of the post is to consider the relative risks of sexual behaviour in relation to viral diseases. Is that so?
In absolute terms most of the worlds victims of Aids/HIV are heterosexual does this mean that heterosexual activity is inherently more risky than homosexual activity? Atiyah | 06.28.06 - 5:08 pm | #
Ooops, I just noticed that I misrepresented the statement by the Asian bishops. I represented them as affirming an 'a priori salvific role' to Hinduism. In fact they said that we cannot DENY A PRIORI a salvic role to Hinduism and other Asiatic religions. There is a significant difference. Therefore I must retract (or at least modify) the following statement: 'If Indians are already (a priori) getting their salvation channeled to them through Brahma, why do they need Jesus Christ?' The Asian bishops are not saying that Hindus get their salvation channeled to them through Brahma and apart from Christ. My bad.
Nevertheless, one must ask, why is a de-emphasis and de-centering of Christology necessary for dialogue with non-Christian religions? How does this strategy advance the cause of evangelization? Why is 'the central and neuralgic issue' in the Asian churches the need to 'present Jesus Christ and the Church with an authentic Asian face?' Why is it not sufficient to present Jesus Christ as he is authentically presented in the Gospel portraits? Has the cause of evangelization been advanced in the United States by presenting Jesus Christ with an authentically American face? What have we gotten out of that? The "Buddy Christ" of the movie Dogma.
Modifications to my original comment notwithstanding, I still find the anti-Christological stance of the FABC to be troubling, and I am still interested to know Cardinal Dias' view of the issue. Dave | 06.28.06 - 5:09 pm | #
Withdrawing the "Tailgunner Joe" comment too?
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